Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Once when at Dreamation, I was in a game of Lacuna ran by Jard Sorensen. Midway thru the game he got a phone call and had to leave, then Thor Olavsrud sat down and continued the game.. Having known Thor, and that Jard is a trickster, I didn't miss a beat and when along with it. However, I wonder if this trick from the New York Times post on Science of Illusion, would have worked better:
Another dark psychological secret magicians routinely take advantage of is known as change blindness — the failure to detect changes in consecutive scenes. One of the most beautiful demonstrations is an experiment conducted by the psychologist Daniel Simons in which he had an experimenter stop random strangers on the street and ask for directions.
Midway through the conversation, a pair of confederates walked between them and blocked the stranger’s view, and the experimenter switched places with one of the stooges. Moments later, the stranger was talking to a completely different person — yet strange as it may sound, most didn’t notice. 
I wonder how much of a change I could get away with.. Will it matter how long of a conversation? Game sessions are a bit more involved then a conversation on the street. So I would think that they would detect the change. May have to setup a game to test this idea..

Friday, January 23, 2009

How reading leads to deep Introspection

I love to read.. really it's what I am known for, having a book with me at all times. Part of it is that I reread books that I found expectational good, every few years; they always seems to have a new effect on me.

Not long ago I found myself reading Gödel, Escher, Bach, once more.. The sheer physical weight of this book lead to me find my copy of Godel's Proof. Just to have something lighter to read at lunch. I found GEB's explanation and exploration of Godel's Proof friendlier in comparison. Sometime I will have to get back to finishing GEB once more..

But back to Godel's Proof. I had a thought, that Godel's system is just as convoluted as when you want to write Introspective programming code.

Over the last few weeks I have had thought after thought on how I would want to have code describe things about it's self.

In the Modal Control View pattern, a view is just an description of some data. I have been looking at importing CSV data into Mono using File Helpers library. It uses attributes to describe how fields in the CSV file relate to an object. In effect these attributes describe a view of the data.

Another idea is for Operation overloads. Really these are descriptions of how to convert types. Lastly for data bindings, these are descriptions on how to update.

The problem with using attributes is they are not portable. I don't believe that I can define a group of them for say an interface or something, then apply them to a object.

I will have to investigate more.. Someone has to have thought of this.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Thats how I drive..

Life is weird you know? If there is something that I am not sure I really want to deal with... next thing I know I am deep in it.

For years I have hated to drive. I live in the greater DC area, know as Northern Virgina. We weren't content to let DC get all of the Government work, so we had to import some and along with traffic, to spare.. Thus Universe conspires to help me learn to enjoy my driving more. Yes, my day job is that of a courier.

My tools to beat frustration, are mostly the realization that I am an hourly employee, there is no need to try and beat traffic. I will get there when I do. And a IPod full of Podcasts, audio books, and with a small sprinkle of music, does make the drive seem shorter.